
Friday, October 26, 2012

I used to play this game all the time during the bush years and its so much fun! Not only do you get to drop a brain into his empty head, but also you get to hear something funny upon inserting the brain. Just a nice game for when you need some laughs as you wait to lose power from a storm!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Last night I was watching the vice presidental debate and a graphic came up at the bottom that said go to some site to talk about and fact check the debate live. This made me realize how sad our politics have gotten recently, that we have to fact check our leaders and potential leaders. How low have we stopped, to where our leaders will lie to get more votes. Part of democracy is people knowing the facts so that they can make an informed decision at the voting booth, something that we are seeing slip through our finger tips every day. With parts of speeches being proved false, and ads saying that someone lying, its quite shameful that we as a country where we are constantly surrounded by the media and advertisments trying to sway us that most people already constantly tune them out, that we can't even rely on our commander and cheif, and our potential commander in cheif to tell what's really happening.